......ago Tedi came home from Ethiopia, into our home forever!!!! So much has changed. Tedi's English is improving each day and continues to amaze me. We hear these phrases on a daily basis....
"Tedi do that."
"Hang on Mommy/Daddy"
"Wait a minute"
"I love you mommy/daddy"
"Mommy doctor, Tedi no doctor, Daddy no doctor."
"Mommy work, Tedi no work, Daddy no work"
"Daddy's car. Mommy's car. Tedi, no car."
"Woody, Buzz, Dinosaur, Jessie," (thank you Toy Story)
And many many many more. He will eat rice, tilapia, hamburger, steak, spaghetti, pizza, any kind of bread, corn, lettuce, eggs, Eggo's, but NOT fettuccine, pulled pork, mac and cheese, or Grands biscuits.
It isn't easy watching him get six shots and a TB skin test (as JT did last week) or have six vials of blood drawn yesterday, or go to the dentist today. I must admit to my surprise that the dentist appointment went well. He is missing most of his teeth as you can see in his pictures but the dentist said upon exam, only one of the remaining teeth needed to be pulled. He even told us that Tedi has had dental work in the past.... YES, you read correctly, dental work. He said the two teeth that we were most concerned with, though they appear bad, one has a crown and the other a filling. Crazy! We were pleased to learn this. The dentist we went to takes the children back to the exam area without the parents. Tedi did so well!!!! He even got a gift out of the toy box....sunglasses!!!
The last thirties days have changed me, my life, and everything about us! We go to bed earlier, get up earlier, wash more clothing, have a lot more fun, have my patience tested more often, have less adult conversations, but hearing "I love you mommy" at least one hundred times per day erases all the other facets of my life that have changed.
In the next thirty days, we will be getting said tooth pulled, getting a few more shots, starting PRE-K (three year old class), spending more vacation time with mommy, watching daddy start a new job, visiting Grandpa Kevin at the lake, experiencing his first month of mommy being on call every fourth night :-(, hopefully learning even more English, celebrating our 7th anniversary, and continuing to savor every day as a family (even the moments spent in time out because they are teaching us too)
Here are some more pictures of the last few days during the start of my vacation and the week JT is getting to spend with us before his new job. I am still getting my picture a day....I will have to help in September when I go to a call month, but we will manage! Enjoy the pictures. I plan to take many more pictures throughout this week... tomorrow we are swimming with Jacqueline, Chris, and his boys (who are ultra pumped to meet Tedi)..Thursday we are heading to Campbellsville to visit with Tedi's best bud, Stella, for more swimming. He refers to her as "Tedi's Estella. Not mommy's." From Campbellsville, we are driving to Somerset KY to visit with my family. We are seeing my dad and staying on his houseboat, visiting our Mexican dinner night friends, going to our old church, and visiting our old co-workers. It is going to be a long weekend for all of us but a good one. I know Tedi will be shy but will adjust. After the weekend, my sister is coming to Louisville to stay with us, but more to play with Tedi. We are going to the zoo together, painting pottery, and taking her to Queen of Sheba for a full Tedi experience. She is even going to babysit for us so we can go out on our anniversary! Once the craziness is over, I will be sure to post pictures! Enjoy the pictures below!! He is too cute, if I do say so!
He is such a cutie!