Friday, October 21, 2011


If you are friends with me on facebook, you have seen these and more.  If not, well, here are a few snapshots from our vacation.  On day 3, our camera lens stopped working (it slipped off the cooler into the sand...about six inches...then adamantly refused to work) We have had a great time and hate to leave tomorrow.  We have slept, walked on the beach, laid in the sun, cooked dinners, played a lot, read books, watched movies, and just enjoyed being a little family. 


1) Tedi seeing the beach for the first time
"Mommy, this is awesome"

2) Seeing the deer and alligators

3)  She Crab soup at the marina... amazing!

4) Sleep, rest, sleep, rest, wine

5) Laying in sun (the first three days)

6) The blessing of staying here

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