Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So I am going to write about it.  In my human heart, I am frustrated.  Even before Ethiopia is actually involved in this adoption, the process is frustratingly slow (is that even a word).  Most of this is due to fundraising.  With our first adoption, we had a few big donations early on making it much easier to have the funds for the initial fees.  Plus, with this adoption, we have to $7300 before we can send our dossier to Ethiopia, and it was ~$4000 before.  God is providing in His timing, but never in the timing we expect.

Yet, I know God's timing is pefect.  I know that He knows exactly where our next child is, when they will come home, where the funds will come from, when the papers will be mailed.  My human self is so weak and so doubting, wanting control, wanting to do it in American time (fast) rather than His time (perfect). 

So I must wait... I must do what I can in terms of endless paperwork and such but pray for God's financial provision. Pray for his peace.  Pray for me to be always aware of His timing rather than mine. 

We wait because he is worth it and the next one will be as well.

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