Blog "Thieving"
In the past, I have occasionally used the words of others to show what I am feeling. I am back to stealing....or borrowing rather, the words of others to tell you how I am feeling. Sometimes penning what I am feeling does not magically happen....or I write something in my head and it never quite makes it down onto the keyboard. So today my friend sent me this blog post from her "Google Reader" (I am not yet that advanced or organized) written by another woman who was able to successfully blog something I have been incapable of finding the words to use. Please enjoy... I linked her blog below so you can go directly to the source.
From Growing up Gaithers
Whose hands are you holding up?
"As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword." exodus 17:11-13
As moms, dads, husbands, wives, employees, etc. We get tired. Tired of doing this or talking about that. Worn out from the day to day grind of life. I don't know where you find your rest and peace but I find it in my time with the Lord; and in spending time with my sisters in Christ. Last night, I attended a weekly bible study and we read the versus above. The study is about spiritual warfare and praying God's word in your life day-to-day. It's about putting on the full armor of God so that we can stand firm. I cannot stop thinking about the passage from Exodus (see above). The night before this battle began Moses told Joshua that he was going to go up to the mountain and hold his hands up to the Lord. As long as he held his hands up high the Israelites would win. Now; I don't even like holding things up high for more than 10 minutes. You get sore and your arms get tired; they eventually start shaking until you can't hold whatever you are holding anymore and just have to take a break. Look what happened when Moses' hands grew tired. His friends let him sit down and held his hands up for him so that they remained steady. Wow. Are your hands tired? Then I encourage you to share with someone what is going on; let them stand in the gap for you; let them carry your burden and hold your hands up for you. We cannot do "life" alone! On the same note; whose hands are you helping to hold up right now? We are so busy that sometimes I think we forget to just sit an listen. Listen to the joy that someone is experiencing; or maybe the painful situation a person is going through right now. This week; as you are putting on your "armor" think about who you can maybe send a note to; pray for or just encourage. And if your arms are tired; I would love to help hold them up for you.
What a great friend you must have ;)