Thursday, February 18, 2010

Hensley, the Ethiopian T-Shirt Model &
Stories from Stella

I have written before about Hensley on our blog. He is the son of our friends Meredith and Curtis, and he came home from Ethiopia on January 1, 2010. His daddy order several t-shirts, 25 actually, from us and came to get them tonight. His wife was gone so we had the pleasure of eating with him and Hensley. Before they left, I had have Hensley model his tshirt. Though he was not all smiles, I promise he was happy to do so. He and his dad were a great treat after a very long day at work.
In other news, another one our favorite little girls, Stella, (pictured in the last blog and in The Sister Stories to the right) is always good for a GREAT story. Her mom, Emily, called me tonight to tell me what happened today. I am not a good story teller but I will do my best to recount the precious story. Emily went to pick Stella up at her "school" (half days twice per week). Emily was looking at the picture Stella had drawn which pictured a little boy and a little girl. The little girl and boy were dressed in bright colors but the little girl had dark brown skin on the arms and the face while the boy's were colored in pink. On the way home, Emily asked Stella about her picture. Stella explained that she wanted the little girl to have "brown skin like Tedi's" and the boy to have "pink skin like mine". Also, the other day Stella told her mom she wanted to give all of her t-shirts to Tedi's "or-san-age" (not orphange), even her Wiggles tshirt, which is her favorite. What a precious little girl with a big heart!

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